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Restaurante ARTURITO  São Paulo, SP, Brasil - 2012 -

ARTURITO Restaurant

Fotógrafo / Photographer: Romulo Fialdini

Prêmios / Awards


AAP The American Architecture Prize

Firm of the Year 2017 - Residential Interior Design



Trata-se da reforma de um restaurante, em instalações existentes. O cliente solicitou “alegria e descontração” para a nova proposta, pois considerava o existente austero, escuro e pretensioso.

A inspiração veio da inquietude, da personalidade extrovertida, vivaz e determinada da proprietária e chef Paola Carosella.


A maior dificuldade ou desafio foi desenhar alterações que pudessem ser executadas sem a necessidade de fechamento da casa e com pequena verba.

Neste projeto, paisagismo e arquitetura se fundem, funcional e esteticamente.

Propusemos uma instalação tubular em aço sobreposta à cinza fachada, e, tendo como referência os alinhamentos de seus volumes e vãos, redesenhamos essa empena em forma de malha ortogonal, de maneira muito simples e harmônica.


Essa malha metálica se repete no estreito canteiro interno, unificando as soluções de interior e exterior. Na fachada, ela direciona, vertical e horizontalmente, diversas trepadeiras, que esverdeiam e alegram a nova casa.


No interior, removemos o revestimento de madeira escura, expondo as paredes brancas, e incluímos alguns largos panos de espelho; substituímos o revestimento dos estofados por tecido estampado  de colorido exuberante e alegre, e substituímos as cadeiras por outras com trama de junco, leves e transparentes.


O projeto contempla espera/bar e restaurante. Na espera, colocamos poltronas e mesas individuais, de formas descontraídas e ambientadas.

Interferir conscientemente e com responsabilidade, sem desperdício, sem entulho e sem interromper a rotina do estabelecimento; interferir com grande efeito estético e prático nortearam este projeto.



This was a remodel project for an existing restaurant establishment. Our client desired something “joyful and laid back” as he thought the existing ambiance was a bit  austere, dark and pretentious. In addition to being excited about this challenge, we were equally inspired by Paola Carosella, restaurant owner and chef, whose personality was extroverted, restless, lively and goal driven.

Overall, the two most challenging aspect of the project were to go through the project without having to temporarily close the restaurant and dealing with a limited budget.


In terms of design, there was a complete fusion between landscape and architecture, as they were physically overlayed in a few ambiances. Over the existing blank facade we installed a steel tube grid meant to be tangled in vines that referenced back to the existing volumes and voids in a very simple and harmonious way.


This same overlay was repeated on the narrow garden-like seating area, unifying internal and external solutions. This subtle touch of green was able to lighten and cheer up the new looking restaurant. On the inside, we removed the dark wood cladding, exposing the white walls and installed large mirror panes; we replaced the upholstery for a colorful fabric with an exuberant pattern and replaced the chairs for light and transparent wicker chairs.


The restaurant and waiting/bar area were equally considered. In the waiting area, we included armchairs and individual tables in a laid back and distinct environment. 


We focused on a conscious and responsible approach, with no waste or rubble while trying not to disrupt the restaurant’s routine: we also intended on delivering pleasant aesthetics and practicality.



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